

Covid-19 Update- What we’ve been up to

The effect of enforced closures has impacted everyone. The scale of what the closures mean going forward for our communities, employees, tenants, customers, tourism and charities is enormous. Our...

Our 5 tips to Successful Gluten Free Brewing

A recent survey suggested that 8.5 million people in the UK are following a gluten free or reduced gluten diet. This ever-growing market is proving increasingly tempting for brewers and with a few...

Clean, Secure, Safe – A guide to pressing the Pause Button

As I sit writing this article, I find myself searching for a clever metaphor to sum things up. Unfortunately, there is no sugar-coating things: Let’s face it, the World, at the moment, is pants. ...

What to do when you can’t brew… Extending cask shelf life and avoid spoilage

The uncertainty of the current situation with Covid-19 has left many brewers with a backlog of stock and concerns with selling into a reduced market. Many breweries have looked to new approaches to...

Quality Stabilisation- Making beer great, again and again….and keeping it that way

Working in the brewing industry can be great fun although in a highly competitive industry brewers face a tough challenge. Quality is an area where many brewers believe they can transcend the...

Brew better at break time!

Coffee is mostly water-Treat it right! Many brewers utilise AMS in the brewery to adjust the water profile for brewing but what about the morning coffee brew? Water profiles and particularly...

ALDC-for those about to hop…

Brewers and beer lovers alike love the fantastic array of flavours and aromas that can be accomplished through dry hopping. An aroma compound not so commonly appreciated by brewers and beer lovers...

Are you stabilising your packaged beer?

  We supply a single-use product called Polyclar 730, which is a 30% polyclar and 70% silica xerogel blended insoluble powder designed to prevent protein-polyphenol complexes forming by...

Beer Foam- what you need to know.

There is nothing more satisfying than the frothy mouth-watering theatre of a beautifully dispensed beer cascading from the tap with all its promise of tasty goodness.  Whether a nitro stout, crisp...