

Lautering Extraction Efficiency

The goal of the lautering process is to thoroughly rinse the grain particles of all the sugars produced during mashing. To achieve this, the particles must be evenly wetted by the sparge water....

Maximising Wine Quality with Inactivated Yeasts

When considering which winemaking additives and adjuvants to use, it’s important to think about yeast derivatives obtained through autolysis. These “inactivated yeasts” are carefully selected...

Save thousands with nitrogen capture

Wondered how much you could save by processing your beer with nitrogen instead of CO2? We have you covered with our savings calculator! Our simple calculation demonstrates the huge CO2e reduction in...

Clarification and Stabilisation in Winemaking

In winemaking, clarification and stabilisation are critical processes that remove insoluble matter from the wine before bottling. This matter includes dead yeast cells (lees), bacteria, tartrates,...

Sustainability Focus  

Enzymes – Long term thinking makes marginal gains add up  by Iain Kelly, Head of Technical, Murphy&Son  The end of the financial year often brings around a period of reflection and review of...

Understanding Copper in Winemaking

Copper poses notable challenges in winemaking due to its catalytic properties in oxidation and reduction reactions, which can impact wine quality significantly. Particularly sensitive are grape...

Resourceful Brewing – 3 Quick Wins with Murphy’s Products

To test how our products could enhance brewing efficiencies, whilst saving CO2 and money, we partnered with Chris Lewington from Brew Resourceful to conduct trials at London Brewing Company. Here’s...

Murphy & Son’s Bus Tour

17th – 26th June 2024 Join Murphy & Son on our UK bus tour with tech talks from our technical experts and Chris Lewington from Brew Resourceful, live demonstrations from Pneumatech and...

The Art and Science of Distilling: Crafting the Perfect Whisky by Nick Brading, Technical Sales Manager

The art of distilling is an ancient practice, rooted in the traditions of the Ancient Greeks and Chinese who used it for producing perfumes, alcohol, and desalinated water. At its core, distilling...