Oxygen in Wort prior to Pitching
General Considerations Synthesis of lipids (sterols and unsaturated fatty acids) by yeast requires oxygen. Wort lipids provide some unsaturated fatty acid, but insufficient sterol. Oxygen is...
Zinc in Wort prior to Pitching
General Considerations Zinc is an essential trace element required for yeast growth and therefore insufficient zinc will lead to slow or sticking fermentations. There is no general correlation...
Nitrogen in Wort prior to Pitching
General Considerations The nitrogenous constituents of wort include amino acids, peptides, polypeptides, proteins, nucleic acids and their degradation products. Some of these nitrogenous constituents...
Wort pH
General Considerations High wort pHs should be avoided because of extraction of excessive amounts of undesirable substances such as tannins, silicates, polyphenols etc. The mineral composition of...