Rate of Cooling Beer
General Considerations The cooling rate should be sufficient to control the flocculation and settling of yeast to give the desired yeast count at rack. The rate of cooling depends on: Flocculation...
Temperature of Beer in Storage and at Fining
General Considerations Beer should be fined at the lowest temperature it is likely to reach so that the fining action occurs with the temperature ‘on the rise’. Stocks should be held at a...
pH of Beer
General Considerations Beers with a high pH are prone to infection by micro-organisms. Variation in beer pH can reflect inconsistency in fermentation. Problems may be encountered when beers of pH...
Microbiological Examination of Beer
General Considerations All beers should be examined for the state of primary yeast, and the presence of bacteria and wild yeast after forcing. Clarity and aroma will indicate the soundness or...
Compact Sediment in Casks
General Considerations The volume of sediment in casks should be monitored to allow the maximum amount of beer to be dispensed. If the amount or volume of sediment is abnormally high, it may be...
Treatment of Beer at Point of Sale
General Considerations Beer should be stillaged in the public house until it is in best condition. Cellar temperatures should be checked regularly at cask height and at several places within the...