Murphy and Son

Using a microscope to help control yeast quality

For good brewing you need a healthy yeast with a good viability, a good cell count and free from contamination.

You can monitor the viability of your yeast by using a methylene blue stain, as dead or dying cells stain blue. The staining can be easily seen under a microscope.

You can perform a yeast count by using a Haemocytometer. A haemocytometer consists of a defined grid etched onto the slide surface. The number of cells per ml can be calculated.

There are two types of microbiological contamination, wild yeasts and bacteria, both these contaminants can cause hazes and off flavours.

You can monitor the presence and levels of contamination using the microscope, by identifying rod shaped bacteria (bacilli) and round shaped bacteria (cocci).

You can observe for wild yeast by looking at cell shape, size, opacity and uniformity. This often goes hand in hand with knowing your own yeast and getting to know its appearance under the microscope .

If you are interested in purchasing a microscope from Murphy and Son Ltd here are the following options:

SP30 Microscope
Microscope Kit
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