Murphy and Son

Steven East

Tel: +44 (0) 115 978 0111

Steve has overseen the majority of our customer service offering for many years now and is championing many of the changes to our internal systems that we’ve in the pipe line. He joined Murphys in 2002, prior to which he committed fourteen years to working in a fast-paced, customer service role as part of the engineering sector. Steve is in many respects the voice of the customer here at Murphys, he and his team advise and influence internal stakeholders at all levels regarding the delivery, availability and functionality of our services and systems. Steve and his team are here Mon-Fri to assist you in making an order and help us continually meet and improve customer satisfaction.

When not at Murphys, Steve enjoys a good pint, a lot! His interests also include music, motorsport and rugby. So a perfect weekend would nearly always featuring some drinking to music, live rugby or at a motorsport event.

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