Murphy and Son

Clean, Secure, Safe – A guide to pressing the Pause Button

As I sit writing this article, I find myself searching for a clever metaphor to sum things up. Unfortunately, there is no sugar-coating things: Let’s face it, the World, at the moment, is pants. 

Whilst some in the brewing fraternity bravely soldier on, for many of our brethren the most rational way forward would seem to be a temporary pause to take stock, recharge and plan the fightback, waiting to answer the call of our glorious hostelry’s up and down the land.

Having run a small brewery (to mixed success), I have a little understanding of the surge of emotions that must be felt.  Coupled with the pressure to return to the family nest to practice social distancing, the feelings of pressure will be unimaginable.

At this tough time, it is great to see brewers, suppliers, pubs and consumers sticking together.  As you will be aware (some listed below) there are lots of fabulous people throughout the industry ready and willing to help.  Although in a slightly reduced capacity Team Murphy’s is still running and available to help in any way we can so please don’t hesitate to contact us for anything at all – we mean that!

So now for the practical bit – before we all beat a temporary retreat into the grind of daily Joe Wicks’ PE and 5pm news conferences, I’ve just listed a few thoughts down intended to act as some simple reminders / pointers of things that it may be worth doing before the end of this chapter.  The aim of this is to try and avoid missing things that can be forgotten in the mist and noise of this battle which may lead to problems in the counterattack.

Stay safe and best wishes

Iain and the rest of Team Murphys

Clean, Secure, Safe – A guide to pressing the Pause Button

Please remember throughout the process of winding down to follow the guidelines of social distancing and stay safe.

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